My humblest apologies. A day after I installed the aftermarket wireless charger in my Braptor, it started acting funny. As I said in my previous post, it worked splendidly on the first day, and that's when I wrote my glowing review. However by next drive a day later, it started first charging slowly, then cutting off altogether. Like others before me have said, it'll charge for 5 minutes then it'll just stop. Sometimes it will begin to charge again, but then cuts again. Perhaps it's overheating as others have suggested. Whatever the case, now, overall, I'm not getting enough consistent charging to stay afloat. I'm embarrassed I gave such glowing reviews, as the intermittent charging clearly continues to net power consumption; the battery overall continues to drain. What a shame. Sorry for my misguided original excitement. There's got to be a device that works better than this out there. BTW, all three aftermarket chargers I have bought are indeed identical, same device, same packaging, same parts included. Hopefully someone will develop a wireless charger that's built in that will handle this problem.