Raptor Off-Road Driving Light Upgrade Kit Details Revealed

Yeah...found a video from M&R on pulling the assembly out and they ran into a few of the same issues. But now I'm confused as to how many and which bolts need to be pulled to get it out. The instructions clearly show 2 bolts but it appears there's a more to it from their video. Will see what ideas come my way over the next few days.
This was my experience,

I'm wondering if the assembly actually needs to be removed to replace that individual light or if you can just remove the cover (4 push-pins) and then remove/replace the light from there. It seems like a lot less hassle and no more work to remove the individual light than trying to get all of those hard-to-access bolrs removed.
I'm wondering if the assembly actually needs to be removed to replace that individual light or if you can just remove the cover (4 push-pins) and then remove/replace the light from there. It seems like a lot less hassle and no more work to remove the individual light than trying to get all of those hard-to-access bolrs removed.
Agreed, removing only the light will be my first approach, as I hate to disassemble anymore than necessary.
So with the Ford/Rigid upgraded SR-M lights:

A: Are they Floods or spots or a combo?

B: What are their light outputs?
@DallasCajun can you post some pics of the lights from all sides?

Called Rigid as I couldn't find any info online that was even remotely helpful as to what the hell these are.

Factory fogs: Approximately 1 candle power, God knows, Rigid didn't even know, lmao, but as we all know, they suck.

Replacement Ford branded SR-M's: They "think' they are a "Hyper Spot" - 5 degree spread of light. Output would be 1584 Lumens. *These are not offered to the public from Rigid.

Their (Rigid) factory SR-M's feature a different design and mount and comes in spot, driving, and flood options.

Not sure if these are similar to the directions you already have but may help you if you are getting stuck:

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Blue Oval has much better pics than I've been able to capture, so probably best to check out what is shown there. Their pages also have much more detail than the Ford Performance page. But what it doesn't include are specifics around the power/spread. I remember seeing another post here or 6G that spoke to the actual power specs but can't find it at this point.


Blue Oval has much better pics than I've been able to capture, so probably best to check out what is shown there. Their pages also have much more detail than the Ford Performance page. But what it doesn't include are specifics around the power/spread. I remember seeing another post here or 6G that spoke to the actual power specs but can't find it at this point.

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Those figures should be answered in my thread above from my conversation with Rigid.
Hyper Spot, 5 degree angle, 1584 Lumen. Not sure on Wattage though. Made exclusively for Ford.
So I actually got those little turds installed this morning. In the end wasn't nearly as straightforward as any of the instruction would make it out to be, but also was relatively do-able. The most difficult aspect is getting the 2 inner-most screws out/in for each light as space is tight in there. Here's some key learnings that I got out of it:

  • If you require reading glasses for close-up viewing, get them out.
  • No need to remove the entire assembly; actually probably easier to do it without removing them
  • Use needle-nose pliers to pull the push-pins out. Space is really tight for the inboard-upper pin. I was able to place on arm of the pliers inside the pin hole and the other on the outer edge to get enough grip.
  • Getting the wire harness disconnected was a b&^%$...until I realized that once you pull the red lock tab back you then need to press on the black tab underneath to release the connection (reference reading glasses from above 🥸). I knew it couldn't be that complicated so my frustrations were high on that one. Then the bulb went off again and "Presto".
  • The screws holding the lights in place use Torx 10. It took me a little bit to get my head out of my rear and stop trying to use a 5/64 hex (see note above re: reading glasses ;)). Once I moved to the Torx it was clear sailing. I happen to have a set of small/medium torx screwdrivers so this worked the best for me. Otherwise you can use a Torx 10 bit with your Bronco ratchet and get it done as well.
  • The screws that come in the set for level adjustment were both a little off from how the fogs were set. I'll need to get it out in the dark to determine if level adjustments are needed.

In all it took me about an hour but that's more to do with all of the trips and light-bulb moments I had in the process. Hope this helps the next person. Now time to go find some backroads late at night and put them to use.
One last note...the instructions state to work on the side that you have the wheels turned away from. Don't do that. If you turn your wheels to full lock then there is enough room to sit behind the bumper/wheel and access everything. If you try to work on the side that the wheels are turned away from then access to the inner-most areas is almost blocked off by the tire.

DallasCajun has great notes that really help on the install of these lights. I was just able to get mine installed also in around an hour.
He is definitely right those pins will cause the most problems in only the removal.
Thanks for the info DallasCajun! 👊



Same here...but more dramatic: shooting across the street yesterday, wife had us on full lockdown as suspects weren't apprehended (still not). Got some errands to run today so might try to find a nice dark parking garage and test them out.
So I still haven’t been out after dark to get a better sense of the ‘improvement’ but did take a couple of quick snaps to show the difference in beam patterns.

The amber is the Driving Light (I placed an amber 3M wrap over it) and the white is the factory Fog Light. Need to get it out in space to determine if any level adjustments are needed but clear difference in pattern.


So I still haven’t been out after dark to get a better sense of the ‘improvement’ but did take a couple of quick snaps to show the difference in beam patterns.

The amber is the Driving Light (I placed an amber 3M wrap over it) and the white is the factory Fog Light. Need to get it out in space to determine if any level adjustments are needed but clear difference in pattern.

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Like total opposite pattern, which is a good thing. Did you need to adjust the light projectory height?
I've done exactly this on other vehicles and used painters tape to mark the light position on the door prior to adjusting so I had a baseline to return to if needed.
Like total opposite pattern, which is a good thing. Did you need to adjust the light projectory height?
I've done exactly this on other vehicles and used painters tape to mark the light position on the door prior to adjusting so I had a baseline to return to if needed.
The lights came with the height set higher than this. I noticed driving through the parking garage at work yesterday that the ceiling was lit up amber...which told me they were too high. So I got back underneath and backed it down about 1/2 of the way to the fogs. Given the fogs have a point of aim about 20 ft ahead I figured it was best to have these pointed above that angle. I have a pre-dawn start tomorrow morning so will be able to get better perspective then (if not tonight).
Installed this upgrade kit and as @DallasCajun & @SteelBronco found, it's seemed easiest to just remove splash cover on back side and remove/replace the inside light. Appears the directions with kit were wrote by someone that hadn't even seen this light assembly. Good way to use some of your Ford Pass points after applying any current offered discount codes at the top of the page.
I've played with the height adjustment and in the photo's below have them pointed pretty close to straight ahead. They project a spot light beam straight forward and for the small size they are quite noticeable which I also have found difficult to capture in a photo. The projected light beam is further and whiter than our headlights on high beam. I hope to find a better setting to capture the projected distance in the future than attempt to capture in a photo. :unsure:

Below pics are taken from the drivers seat.
Pic #1 with headlights on dim

Pic #2 with headlights on bright (high beam)

Pic #3 with headlights on bright (high beam) and Rigid off-road spotlight kit - On.
I ordered mine through Ford accessories and used my Ford Pass Points. Should be here tomorrow hopefully.

Make sure you use the code "GET15" for a discount!

Just tried the code GET15 and it was invalid. There is a new code "CLAIM1123" for those still looking. Saved $73.

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